Dispatches of uncertain categories to be delivered here.

Hello, welcome to my personal blog. To be honest, I'm not sure how much will be going up here; I've long been wanting to find a place other than Facebook to put my thoughts that are not really appropriate for a group blog, a journal article, or a political essay. So, that stuff will go here. 

This will likely mean a lot of musing on Peaky Blinders (hence the random accompanying photograph) & how awesome pirates were (+Black Sails stuff) but, as for now, there is just this quaint little hello message. Consider yourself warned. 

A long time ago I made up my mind to live my life as an intellectual as a whole person, to enact my belief that the false divisions between the political and the personal, the professional and the personality, needed to be broken down to open up space for a new kind of society. So, this blog is going to be my effort, on the eve of my first book coming out, of sticking to that. 

                                                              Here we go. 

                                                              Here we go.